

Today’s insights into artificial intelligence

2801, 2022

How privacy protection tools enable the digital transformation of healthcare

The digital transformation of healthcare may have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, but all signs suggest it’s a permanent feature of modern healthcare delivery. From telemedicine to digital billings, personal information is being used [...]

1312, 2021

Are you losing potential good customers with outdated loan underwriting and insufficient data?

Increasing demand for credit requires automated underwriting As demand for credit increases, the Federal Reserve Bank of NY (NY Fed) reports a high number of credit applications by those with low credit scores is resulting [...]

2710, 2021

5 key insights from “Leveraging real-time data to mitigate credit risk” webinar

The ongoing impacts of COVID-19 require lenders to continue to adapt their credit risk strategy. The vaccine rollout initially had a positive economic impact, however, the Delta variant put a damper on any ideas of [...]

2110, 2021

How the use of AI and advanced technology is revolutionizing healthcare 

The fundamental goals of healthcare are to improve people’s lives and to prevent and treat disease. We may think of technology and artificial intelligence as tools for diagnostic and medical advancements like robotic surgery, “smart” [...]

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